I don't know about you but I spot QR codes popping up all over the place, poster, menus and on business cards to name a few. I have been including these in my monthly boxes as well to give my lovely subscribers exclusive content. I thought I would share how I create mine so you can get creating yourself if you wish.
QR codes are accessed through an app on a mobile device (a little like a barcode) once the phone recognises it is opens up the web page associated with that code. you can create QR codes for lots of different things such as social media accounts, you tube videos and websites. I usually use mine to link directly to a web page but recently I have been making a lot of you tube videos so I am going to create a QR using the URL from the video.
Here you can see a video tutorial I created recently on You Tube. I have highlighted the URL (the web address you can see at the top of the window) Now copy it to your clipboard (not a real clipboard!!! it just saves it until you save something else.)
Now you need to open up a QR code generator window. There are lots out there so it's worth seeing which you like. Just google QR code generator. I personally like
www.qrstuff.com but that's only because I like playing with the colours!
This site really does do it step by step which is handy! so first off choose what type of data you are creating a code for. In my case it is a YouTube video but if you are linking to a website page select the first option. Even though I am linking to a video I will still select the first option (it seems to react the same which ever version you use but you do have the option to have YouTube written on the QR Code if you download an extra feature. (I haven't done this))
So the next step is to enter the URL you copied from your page into the box under the number 2. If you are quick you will notice the QR code on display to the right look a bit different!
The next step is my fav bit! colour!!! Why not have a play!
Finally choose your output type. I always select option 1 as I can then put it where I want.
So last things last you can now download your code! I select the download button under the QR Code itself.
You should now get a download bar at the base of the screen (this will be different if you are using a mobile device )
Can you spot it in the bottom left corner? Once it has downloaded click on the bar and it will open up your code. If you want to find it later it will be hiding in your downloads folder until you file it elsewhere.
Here is my final code
So are you all with me so far?? Easy hey! This is the point where you can have a half time break! grab some tea and cake... you deserve it!
Ok, so you have created your code but please... what on earth do I do with this speckled box thing now???
Now in order for you to test this and for your customers to use it you need a mobile device which can 1 have apps and 2 has a camera! So smart phones, tablets etc. There are apps available on all platforms and you don't need anything exciting, simpler the better!
Here is the QR Code reader that I use
If you don't have one just pop into the app store, they should be free so don't panic. Search QR Code Reader. This is on the android but I also have one on an iPad.
Once open you just get a screen like this.
Now move it to the QR code so that it is visible in the shaded area in the middle (my reader is v sensitive and even when it was showing on part of the screen it picked it up!) When taking the next shot I had to hold it this far away, any closer and the reader picked up the code!
Next step click ok
Now you can watch your video on your device!! yeah!
Well I hope that simple enough! I feel like I've had a crafty workout! time to put up the feet and watch my video!
Have fun creating QR code and if you would like to share any with me then why not send me some on
Twitter or
Instagram and I will share a few next time!
Jenny xx